Have a sustainable Christmas

By 22nd December 2021March 6th, 2023Uncategorised

In the UK, consumers use approximately 227,000 miles of wrapping paper each Christmas, enough to stretch nine times around the world, and 1 billion Christmas cards (the equivalent of 33 million trees).

Some things you can do to help:

1. Get crafty 
Switch to brown paper which is 100% recyclable. Get inspiration from Pinterest and create your own patterns with stamps, paint or pens. Plus any leftover paper can be used all year round.

2. Do the scrunch test 
If your paper scrunches up into a ball and stays then it can be recycled. If it bounces back, then it’s off to landfill!! 

3. Sticky situation
Sellotape is made of polypropylene, a type of plastic that is not recyclable. To avoid contaminating your recycling remove all tape from your wrapping paper before you put it in the bin.

4. Waste not, want not 
Use scrap paper, magazines and newspapers to create unique gift wrap. Get thrifty and use what you already have – a pillowcase, a scarf or an old (clean) tea towel.

These numbers and tips were supplied by isla, the members organisation helping the events sector transition to a more sustainable future.


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