In the case of an emergency
Following a series of tragic events in 2017 including the Manchester Arena bombings and the Grenfell fire, the Charity Commission for England and Wales recommended a new approach to national emergencies.
Sector experts and emergency survivors came together to conceive the National Emergencies Trust, an independent charity dedicated to responding to UK disasters. The Trust was launched in November 2019 by its Royal Patron, HRH The Duke of Cambridge.
Whilst the charity did fantastic work, it was felt that they needed a much stronger identity in order to create better awareness and instil trust and belief in their audience, especially potential donors.
Original branding focused on the shortened name of NET, which didn’t capitalise on the required awareness, so through our branding consultancy Designroom we were asked to develop a new identity that would give the charity the clarity and stand out they required.
We brought National Emergencies Trust to the front and centre of the new identity using a bold typeface, set in caps to create real presence. To support this, we introduced a chevron device to graphically symbolise emergency. It was important to ensure the right balance between name and graphic to enable reproduction at all sizes.
For continuity and to keep an association with existing collateral, we opted to keep the original colour palette therefore enabling the charity to reduce changeout costs where not necessary.